Monday, April 23, 2012

So close to our first release!

Currently we are one bug fix away from our first release of BlueMesh!

This week I added in an argument to the BlueMeshService constructor so that you can specify a UUID for your program.  This is important because you probably don't want your BlueMesh program to interact with other BlueMesh programs.

This is how you can call the constructor now:
bms = new BlueMeshService(UUID.fromString("fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66"));

A UUID is specified by hex digits in the following format
8-4-4-4-12.  The UUID can also be used to enable or disable backwards compatibility of your app!  If you would like a new version of your app to be able to talk to an older one, simply do not change the UUID between versions, however if your network protocol changes between versions you can specify a new UUID so that a new version will not communicate with an older version.

The bug we are still trying to fix involves not properly detecting a disconnection and deleting information about that device so that a re-connection will be attempted and successfully completed.  I hope we will have this fixed within the next few weeks and we will try to keep you updated on what we think might be causing it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

WebViewTest Bug fixes

This weekend I fixed a minor bug in WebViewTest (can be found at The app no longer crashes on start if Bluetooth is not enabled.  I also added more comments to the source so it will be easier to follow.

Please try out the tutorial and try to make your own app using BlueMesh!